I too have anemia and can’t tolerate any vitamins by mouth. Folic acid is just terrible on my stomach. So I tried to find an iron pill that does not contain it. Unfortunately, the one that is out there is not to be taken by people with high sugar levels, and as we know Prednisone causes our sugar level to rise. My Rheumatologist told me not to try any more vitamins and I am not. I am unclear as do you want the doctors to inject or are you willing to do it yourself? About 25 years ago my GP in another state gave me the medication to give myself vitamin B shots. It gave me the energy I needed and I can’t even remember why I stopped. I don’t know of any reason they wouldn’t let you give yourself the shots. I am thinking, ask your pharmacist if they have any patients doing this, then follow their lead. Also, I have heard there are some MD’s who practice holistic medicine. If you find one you don’t need to switch, just add on to your other doctors. Good Luck