Here I am again.

Thank you all so much for your answers and your support. Sharing information is always precious, particularly in our condition.
One of the problems I did not mention is extreme itchiness of the skin which is accompanied by rash (not necessarily). Small spots appear hear and there and eventually disappear after some day.
This leads to insomnia and pain when the skin comes in contact with clothes. After my vision impairement, itchiness is by far the worst consequence at the moment, as it doesn't let me sleep.
I did consult my doctor and we tried to reduce or remove some of the medication that could have this as a collateral effect, without any result at the moment.
I hope that further reduction in medication doses and relative kidney and liver conditions improvement will take this away.
To give answer to some of the questions, yes I have a very supportive family. I am still in "Arbeitsunfähigkeit" i.e. sick leave and I also have the great luch to have an extremely supportive employer. I also have great colleagues on the whole and particularly in the IT Team which I am part of. I lived in Italy until November 2019. My first 20 years I spent in Athens-Greece where I was born and raised to that age. So after 26 years I decided to move to Germany as I've always wanted that. GPA hit me by the end of March 2020, slightly after having started to work from home because of Covid. So I actually worked less than 4 months and despite that, I was so comforted by my employer and my colleagues.
My intention is a gradual return based on the "Hamburger Modell" for rehabilitation.