We all cope with death and the dead in our own way.

I always like to spend a moment or two once or twice a week just thinking their names - in the sad believe that they get points for being remembered. I have no idea what happens to those points but am comforted that I have 'done my bit' !
Mind you I think with Alysia on Phils team, he might just be winning

This forum is a lifeline to those who arrive here scared and confused and seeking information into a world of problems. They get advice from those who are or have 'ridden the roller-coaster' of Wegeners.

Jack was a 'sage' in this respect but, he not only gave but learnt a lot about himself in the process. He is and will be missed by those he helped and joked with. Below is a comment from Jacks family after his death -

"Once again thank you for being such great friends to Jack, we know that this site meant a lot to him. He will be/is greatly missed, but he is living on through our memories and will be forever more. His family and friends can't thank you enough for all of the support you all gave him throughout the years, he was glad he was able to help others who were going through similar sort of things."

As individuals we can all do a lot for others and in remembering Jack, I try to thank all the wegis who have moved on to the other side.