thank you so much for your well wishes. I hope you can get your trach out soon! The trach itself really did not bother me, it was just the extra effort (I am lazy) it took to keep it cleaned and the effort I took in blinging it up, then there is the effort to explain myself to people when they stared.
I was never informed of the stoma stent or collarless trach, that is something I would have jumped into had I been given the opportunity.
I suppose, since mine was always meant to be temporary, they figured why tell me?
I would love to say my pred use is done, but I am taking more pred than you are. Just changed from 15mg to 12 1/2 2 days ago. In two weeks I am going to 10mg and then my rhuemy told me I would stay there for a while. Honestly, If I had the choice I would keep the trach over the pred!
But, that being said, I am thrilled to have my trach out and still haven't shut up! It is not that I couldn't talk with the trach, it is that I love talking without it! Or singing or shouting.
I hope you continue to get along with your trach. If you want some blinging ideas, I would be glad to share. I sincerely hope you get to get yours out soon.
I am very close to remission feeling great and knowing I am through with the ENT now helps my disposition. (I hate doctors and doctor visits.....especially waiting in the waiting room)
Keep chatting with me if you want......I know what you are experiencing.
LIsa Coffeelover