Quote Originally Posted by drz View Post
I too almost died from it as have a number of others here. Several members have died either from the WEGS or from damage it caused or side effects of the treatment. I view it as life threatening and expect that someday i might well die from an infection caused by my poor immune system or a complication of WEGS such as loss of kidneys or other major organ.

Many people with cancer can be cured and many people with heart issues can get problems corrected by a pace maker or other means, but the damage to my body from WEGS is mostly irreversible at this point. True some people with mild cases can attain a long term remission and live a relatively normal life again and with early treatment most flares can be managed successfully, but the risk of relapse or big flare never goes away.
As someone who's nearly died from Wegs and also from complications, I agree with everything you said, drz.