I was diagnosed with Wegeners in 2009, I was 65 then I’m now 80 years old. I was on chemo for 6 years started on Cytoxan ended on Rituxan. My last Chemo treatment was in 2015, went on mycophenolate and prednisone. I got a very bad rash and sores on my arms and legs, the sores have to be laser burned away now and then. I went though a very bad time with Vertigo, that period of time was horrible, it would get so bad that my eyes would shake, it is better now but my balance is still not good, had to give up riding my bicycle. A few years ago my blood test showed bladder cancer, had a biopsy that came out negative Thank God, that brings up a point I want to speak of, since GAP is systemic disease, you can get false positives on cancer, because of the unnecessary bladder biopsy, my badder that was perfect, is now a mess. If your lab test shows badder cancer, don’t jump into a biopsy if you have no physical problems, badder cancer is a slow growing cancer, tell your urologist, let’s wait and see. Bladder biopsy is a full blown surgery room procedure, it leaves scars that will mess up your ability to know your bladder is near full. If I had it to do over, even though I argued with my doctor and he insisted on the biopsy, I would have insisted we wait and see. In closing my opinion is GAP sucks but I’m still alive 15 years after diagnosis, I thank god I’m alive. Bob