Hi everyone! My name is Pryana and I’m from California. I recently just found this page so I thought I would join in and share my story with you all! I was 23 when I was diagnosed with this disease. In January, it’ll mark 5 years since I’ve had this. For me, my manifestation was scleritis. I woke up once morning with a very red eye. I didn’t think anything of it, I just assumed it was conjunctivitis because I had no pain or anything else. A few days went by and it wasn’t getting better, then days turned into weeks and that’s when I started to have really bad pain, so bad that it woke me up in the middle of the night. I went to the eye doctor and he diagnosed me with scleritis, and as many of you know, scleritis rarely occurs by itself, there’s usually always something underlying going on so he ran a bunch of tests and I had a very high ANCA and thus I was diagnosed with GPA. I have what they call “limited” Wegeners, thankfully my lungs and kidneys aren’t involved. Only my upper respiratory tract. Throughout the years, I’ve have scleritis flare ups here and there. In the beginning I was put on a high dose of prednisone and after, had started methotrexate but I guess my liver didn’t like that so my doctor switched me to Cellcept and I’ve been doing good so far with it. During flare ups, my doctor will prescribe me prednisone and I absolutely hate it because once I had every side effect imaginable from that drug so I like to call it the devil drug lol. Before I was formally diagnosed, I had other symptoms like recurring nose bleeds and extreme fatigue, but once I had the eye symptom, that’s when I went to get seen. So that’s my story! Currently taking Cellcept which seems to work well for me. I’m looking forward to reading everyones stories!