Hi everyone!

I’ve had a nasal plaque on my right septum for 18+ months. I never thought much about it and would pick the growing scab off which would then just grow back and quite large as well. I saw an ENT a few months ago who scraped the top off and since, it hasn’t grown back like it was. He said worst case scenario it could be GPA but it was highly unlikely as it doesn’t look anything like it. Two months ago, another smaller one appeared on my left septum. Because of this, he revisited the idea and ran bloods for GPA, lupus etc. All have come back negative but even he has said he knows this doesn’t necessarily mean much. He’s said as I’ve got no other symptoms, he doesn’t want to subject me to a biopsy under GA and said if it’s GPA, it’ll show it’s ugly head one day.

I was just wondering for those who have nasal involvement, what does your scab look like? Does anyone have images?? Mine is honestly just like a plaque of what he says looks like scar tissue. I can see it in the mirror and it’s just a white circle. And the one in my left nostril is a much smaller version.