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Thread: Coping with stress on current pandemic

  1. #11
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    Default Re: Coping with stress on current pandemic

    Hi everyone,
    I am still working as a paramedic in St Louis. I was really worried when the pandemic came here. The fire dept I work for insists we wear N100 on every call and we wear simple masks around the fire house if we cannot social distance, such as responding to calls. Wearing an N100 when your lungs aren’t so hot is a burden & it causes anxiety if I have to go up a flight of stairs. I still have my moments when I am torn. I have Rituxin infusions every 4-6 months, I am sure you all can sympathise-weird crap happens that wasn’t on your radar all the time!
    I find that people give me anxiety about Covid. There is a huge population in the US that think it’s a hoax, no more than the flu. The CDC released statistics and 6% of Covid deaths in the US only listed Covid. The others listed things like: pneumonia, stroke, ARDS ect, which Covid causes. The conspiracy theorists has said this proves the CDC has lied and of the 185,000 + deaths only 6% were caused by Covid.
    I have run my fair share of Covid positive patients. People also think that you get it, you either recover or you die. In my experience, it causes other problems that have long term problems. This includes heart failure, strokes, permanent lung damage. These people are not old either, nor do they have known preexisting illnesses. Imagine having a stroke in your 20’s and being debilitated after?
    I can also honestly say that politics has me stressed. In my opinion politics should have no baring in the pandemic... but here we are. I do not watch the news, I read it so I can read what I want. It is a very disheartening time.
    In closing I think of my fellow Weggies all the time. I hope you all remain safe and healthy.

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  3. #12
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    Default Re: Coping with stress on current pandemic

    Vaccine expert Dr. Peter Hotez on Friday predicted the coronavirus will continue to plague the United States “for years and years, even after vaccines are out and we get people vaccinated.”

    Hotez, the director of the Texas Children’s Hospital Center for Vaccine Development, told MSNBC’s Nicolle Wallace that COVID-19 in the U.S. was “still spiraling out of control,” noting recent forecasts that 300,000 people could die from the disease by December.

    “Sometimes we talk about it as though it’s the past and the worst is over. The worst is yet to come,” Hotez concluded. “We’re going to double the number of deaths over the next few months and now we know it’s not just deaths. We’re seeing long-term injury to the lungs, to the vascular system, to the heart, neurologic deficits, cognitive deficits. This will plague the country for years and years, even after vaccines are out and we get people vaccinated.”

    The midwest of USA has not had the large number of Covid-19 cases like many of the more populated areas but now it is the area where things are increasing the fastest. And Fall is coming which means flu season will also begin soon so it looks like we will be hunkering down and isolating for a lot longer.

    My Senior Living complex has been lucky so far with no Covid-19 cases reported so far in staff or residents. The death rate in our county is also still low compared to much of the USA.

    I miss the live concerts and lectures and social activities like eating out. The one plus I have found from zoom meetings is I can usually hear the speakers much better plus there is no worry about dressing up and getting ready to go. And it is much easier to leave the meetings if you find it boring. Another plus is being able to hear talks from experts around the world with out leaving your home.

    So how are things in your area and how are you getting along?
    Knowledge is power! Wisdom is using it to make good decisions!

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  5. #13
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    Default Re: Coping with stress on current pandemic

    Quote Originally Posted by drz View Post
    Vaccine expert Dr. Peter Hotez on Friday predicted the coronavirus will continue to plague the United States “for years and years, even after vaccines are out and we get people vaccinated.”

    Hotez, the director of the Texas Children’s Hospital Center for Vaccine Development, told MSNBC’s Nicolle Wallace that COVID-19 in the U.S. was “still spiraling out of control,” noting recent forecasts that 300,000 people could die from the disease by December.

    “Sometimes we talk about it as though it’s the past and the worst is over. The worst is yet to come,” Hotez concluded. “We’re going to double the number of deaths over the next few months and now we know it’s not just deaths. We’re seeing long-term injury to the lungs, to the vascular system, to the heart, neurologic deficits, cognitive deficits. This will plague the country for years and years, even after vaccines are out and we get people vaccinated.”

    The midwest of USA has not had the large number of Covid-19 cases like many of the more populated areas but now it is the area where things are increasing the fastest. And Fall is coming which means flu season will also begin soon so it looks like we will be hunkering down and isolating for a lot longer.

    My Senior Living complex has been lucky so far with no Covid-19 cases reported so far in staff or residents. The death rate in our county is also still low compared to much of the USA.

    I miss the live concerts and lectures and social activities like eating out. The one plus I have found from zoom meetings is I can usually hear the speakers much better plus there is no worry about dressing up and getting ready to go. And it is much easier to leave the meetings if you find it boring. Another plus is being able to hear talks from experts around the world with out leaving your home.

    So how are things in your area and how are you getting along?
    I recently watched a podcast with Dr Z and Dr Oriff, director of vaccine education at Philadelphia children’s hospital. He said in order for herd immunity to happen with a vaccine over 2/3 of the population would have to get it. For the US that would be over 300 million people! I am unsure how I feel about the vaccine. It feels rushed. The quickest vaccine ever developed was for the measles. Development started in 1964 and it was released in 1967. This vaccine is only taking a year.... what do you think?

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    Default Re: Coping with stress on current pandemic

    Personally, I don't know what to believe. Many of the experts who have made predictions have been proven wrong. They don't come out and admit that either. It doesn't stop new predictions either. This new surge in America has produced new cases but not nearly as many deaths. And yes, one death is too many, but the media and politics overplay it. Some say that it's a weaker strain. Again, I don't know anything, but the politics/media here stink. The press is free no longer.

    Everyone should stay safe, well, smart and Godspeed! Protect yourself, your loved ones, your community and the world.


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  9. #15
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    Default Re: Coping with stress on current pandemic

    Predictions are hard, especially about the future :-)

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    Default Re: Coping with stress on current pandemic

    Quote Originally Posted by Aneinu View Post
    Personally, I don't know what to believe. Many of the experts who have made predictions have been proven wrong. They don't come out and admit that either. It doesn't stop new predictions either. This new surge in America has produced new cases but not nearly as many deaths. And yes, one death is too many, but the media and politics overplay it. Some say that it's a weaker strain. Again, I don't know anything, but the politics/media here stink. The press is free no longer.

    Everyone should stay safe, well, smart and Godspeed! Protect yourself, your loved ones, your community and the world.


    Sent from my moto z4 using Tapatalk
    Please read this one:

    Dr. Fauci was the one who established the treatment protocol of ctx plus pred for weggies more then 20 years ago. Before that WG was a deadly disease.

    I have a facebook friend who has WG more then 25 years. Dr. Fauci was her wg dr. I copy her testimony:

    "I was treated at NIH at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (which he is the director)... I met him many times, he knew of my case and if I happened to be inpatient on Friday’s he lead grand rounds which was always quite interesting. Wegener’s is one of the first diseases he researched on. It was kind of his “baby” so to speak. Cytoxan & Prednisone treatment started with his research... there use to be a couple really great videos on YouTube about him telling how and when he started researching Wegener’s and all the trials, tribulations, and triumphs... That is what has been insane during Covid was to see a doctor I knew and interacted regularly with for about 14 years on TV and at seeing on White House briefings. (And now angered at how horribly the president has treated him). He really is a kind and caring doctor."

    End quote.

    I would trust the testimony of a fellow weggie over the media.
    dx 2008

    Here, in this forum, I have found my sweet eternal love, my beautiful Phil.. :
    "You are my sunshine", he used to sing to me... "you make me happy, when skies are grey" I still answer him.
    Rest in Peace, my brave Batman and take care of your weggies from heaven, until we meet again.

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  13. #17
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    Default Its hard to understand.

    I went to the farmer's market today to buy some baked goods. Very few people were wearing a mask. And they were not keeping a safe distance either. I did the best I could to stay safe and left quickly but it bothered me and upset me to see so many people ignoring known safety precautions.

    The saddest thing to me is that many of them will only get a mild case if infected while they will spread it to others like us who get very ill and probably die. And the increased spread will over load our health care system so other health emergencies won't get proper care and it is so unnecessary. The USA is doing a very poor job coping with the pandemic.

    A model from the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) found that if 95% of people in the U.S. began wearing masks every time they were outside their homes, the number of projected deaths from coronavirus by December would drop 49%. That would save nearly 70,000 lives.

    “I'm a surgeon,” Campbell said. “I wear a mask all the time. And I don't like wearing a mask outside, but we have to do it now. And people are getting tired of it, and when they do, they let their guard down, and that's when people become infected.”
    Campbell reiterated that the primary issue “is you don't know if you can get a mild case or you're going to get a severe case or you're going to die, and you don't know that. It could be young people. It could be old people. They said first, older people over 65, but now, people are teenagers, younger kids, 20's, 30's, who get the infection and they actually die.”

    Last month, the World Health Organization (WHO) issued a warning about younger people becoming spreaders of the virus.
    “People in their 20s, 30s and 40s are increasingly driving the spread,” Takeshi Kasai, the WHO’s Western Pacific regional director, said. “The epidemic is changing.”
    Part of it has to do with college students returning to campus and not adhering to social distancing or face mask guidelines. There are reportedly more than 20,000 cases of coronavirus among college students and staff across the country. The University of Iowa alone has over 1,000 confirmed cases.

    “Now, what has happened is those outbreaks in Arizona and Texas and Iowa over the weekend were 79% of the tests that were done in Iowa, right, were positive,” Campbell said. “Now, when you have, when the virus is going crazy like it is in Iowa right now, right? That's what you got, and that's where we're not even testing enough people. It should be more people we should be testing.”
    According to Campbell, it comes down to three things that have become clear throughout this pandemic.

    “It's the masking, the social distancing, we're watching as that actually works,” he said. “And what has happened in the country is that at first there was an outbreak in New York and New Jersey and the Northeast and then on the West Coast and then everything got shut down, the numbers went down. But what happened was as the country started opening up, the things started happening and the virus started doing what it does. It spreads.”
    Knowledge is power! Wisdom is using it to make good decisions!

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    Default Re: Coping with stress on current pandemic

    Quote Originally Posted by drz View Post
    Vaccine expert Dr. Peter Hotez on Friday predicted the coronavirus will continue to plague the United States “for years and years, even after vaccines are out and we get people vaccinated.”

    Hotez, the director of the Texas Children’s Hospital Center for Vaccine Development, told MSNBC’s Nicolle Wallace that COVID-19 in the U.S. was “still spiraling out of control,” noting recent forecasts that 300,000 people could die from the disease by December.

    Agreed but I think that the main reason this virus will continue to plague certain countries even long after the vaccine has been found and distributed won't have anything to do with the strength of the virus itself, but it'll probably be a result of a few ignorant people in every community who are going to remain stubborn/uncooperative when that time comes.

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