Hi @Masha, it sure is a strange disease! So many different ways it can show up. I'm sorry you had tooth loss. My gum swelling made some of my teeth feel a little loose and they have moved a little but are now secure in there. The prednisone/methotrexate has completely cleared up my gums now.

I think I'm tolerating the methotrexate and folic acid okay. The prednisone, not so much. I'm looking forward to tapering off prednisone (I'm on 60 mg a day now), but I have to wait a few weeks before I can start the taper (assuming my blood work is good). It's a love/hate relationship with prednisone I guess. My symptoms have much improved (including the breathing - breathing perfectly fine now), but the side effects are not so fun. Very excited about Avacopan, thank you for sharing!