This is a very valid question. Right now I agree with drz to take the same precautions as the flu.
My husband and I are taking a few proactive steps. We are stocking up on home supplies and non perishable food. Probably getting enough for a few months. If things get bad quickly we won’t find ourselves stressed out looking for staples.
Since my diagnosis (we both have had previous bouts with pneumonia) during flu season we avoid places with large gatherings. Yes, it is not good for us to isolate ourselves. Living in a mild climate, a short walk with my dogs allows me to interact with neighbors. If we are going to the doctors office or store, we both wear masks and clear gloves. We go to restaurants, no masks or gloves, and try to go at times they don’t have a crowd. Yes, we could catch something there, but I don’t think it is yet the time to go to extremes. If we schedule a repairman, we stress that we are elderly and have low immune systems, so that they make sure the person is healthy.
With this Coronavirus a person could have it for two weeks and not know it. We can only go so far without making ourselves bananas.
I am blessed to be married to my best friend. We never run out of conversation or find ourselves bored. Movie theatre can easily be replaced with TV services, small groups are safer than large. If we really get shut in, he will teach me to play chess and I will teach him to cook. Church is on the back burner but prayers are on the forefront.