I have bilateral baha 5's with abutments and am very happy I made that choice. I never had "normal" hearing aids before, as my GPA rather quickly and aggressively damaged my middle ears beyond repair. I went from having quite okay hearing, to not being able to hear much at all in about a year. Luckily I got the baha's before it got so bad I didn't function at all socially.

While the baha's of course haven't done anything to improve my "ear health", they have at least allowed me to lower my stress levels and improve my social life, as my ear issues doesn't impact my hearing (as long as I wear them, of course). I chose to go with the abutment version instead of the magnets, because they transfer vibrations to the inner ear much more efficiently, as the vibrations do not have to pass through the skin first. As I don't know how my hearing will change in the future, I found that to be the safest choice.

My advice would be to get as much information about possible hearing solutions for you, however based on my experience, it's the rheumatologists that need to tailor your treatment to stop further damage from happening in your ears. Mine are unfortunately still working on that...