Quote Originally Posted by gilders View Post
Just in case anyone was wondering how the kidney transplant went, well it STILL hasn't happened. My cardiologist is concerned that due to having vasculitis for over 20 years, my arteries may have hardened and the operation may be too risky. I had another echocardiogram a couple of weeks ago and next week I need to have 2 Myocardial Perfusion scans over 2 days.
I met up with my local transplant Dr at the beginning of the week. He has said that I am now his priority and so long as the heart results come back good, I'll be on the operating table between 3 - 6 months. He did say that that although the repeated immunology tests showed that I am compatible with my dad, it is classed as High Risk compatible. I asked if my dad was still the best option to donate due to it being high risk. He said it was as I have MANY antibodies, so finding a match would be very hard with anyone else.
I will need to take twice as many anti-rejection meds as "regular" patients. Not really happy about that, especially as I'm currently in drug free remission and feel much better for it (except for zero energy, which is to be expected with my poor kidney function).
I’m sorry about the delay, I can image you are anxious.
I was wondering about the anti-rejection drugs. Do you know what they will prescribe? I’m just wondering because I know imuran is sometimes used & it would be nice (though I understand that it sucks since your in a drug free remission right now) to “kill two birds with one stone” as they say?? I will keep you in my thoughts & hope all the cardiology tests come back normal & you have a speedy recovery.

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