Quote Originally Posted by Alysia View Post
Hello my friends,

My vision in my right eye deteriorated to a point in which my eye dr. recommanded a cataract surgery. (I couldn't enjoy my pred without a cost... ).
The eye dr. said that it is up to me, to choose the time of the surgery. I can wait or go for it.

I have many questions:

Is it better to wait as much as I can, or to do it asap ?
At which point in the 6 months period between each rtx IV is it better to do the surgery ? Will it be more safe somewhere in the middle of that period in order to be more safe from flares ?

Should I be on antibiotics before/ during/ after ?
I remmember vaguely that Sangy wrote something about pred and going to a surgery. Does any one recall what it was ?

I cant imagine not being able to drive. How long until I can drive again ?

Since the left eye is not yet at the point to do a surgery, and I have high number of glasses in it (as well as more then 9.75 in the poor right eye) the dr. said that with the new len I will still need glasses, not to create such big difference between the two eyes. So, do I buy glasses in advance with the new numbers ? I am almost blind without glasses.

How do I choose the right surgeon ?

What else do I need to know or ask for ?

I will be more then grateful for anyone who can share everything about his/ hers cataract surgery.

Thank you all for being here. I love you. Wishing you all a blessed Christmas from @pberggren1 and from me.
Alysia I had cataracts removed from both eyes within a year if each other. Both caused by prednisone. I guess the ones caused by pred are a specific type and can be identified as such. I got new glasses after the first surgery with a different prescription for each eye. The eye they operated on was now 20/20. The second eye deteriorated enormously in a matter of months. Pred induced cataracts can progress very quickly. So I scheduled the second surgery. Before the surgery, they took the lens on the bad side out of my glasses completely. I managed fine without it. The good eye took over. After the second surgery I forget how long it took before I was ready for new glasses. But both eyes had perfect vision for everything except reading. I got bifocal glasses that were clear on the top and readers on the bottom of the lens. I just did not want to be hunting for glasses all day.

Of course I cannot speak to issues with the wegeners, but I can say the surgery was very easy and unbelievably effective. Like brand new eyes!

Hope this helps!


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