Quote Originally Posted by Alysia View Post
Awesome ❤
Y o u
a r e
b e a u t i f u l , marta, no matter what.
Thanks for sharing.
Thanks Alysia,
YOU are beautiful.
We all are beautiful.
We just forget sometimes when we look at that massive person looking back at us in the mirror and that's why I wanted to post this.
It's hard to see the true Self through a layer of pred flesh sometimes, but it's always there.
It's hard to see the soul through eyes that have been pushed shut together by pred cheeks, but that sparkle always lives.

I told my doc I was taking pictures when I first got on the pred last year. I told her I wanted to document the process because the first time was so shocking I refused to acknowledge the mirror and refused to have pictures taken of me. Now I knew the outcome and wanted to give others hope where sometimes it feels like a non-existent entity. She thought I was nuts to take photos of it. I think she might be right, but that's never stopped me before. Ha ha ha. Nuts is my middle name.

Lots of love to you my friend.