I finally got my gastroenterologist to do a colonoscopy on me, a week ago Thursday. They could not get me sedated enough because of my BP dropping to low. I was awake the whole time during the endo and colonoscopy, it was awful. It appears that I have a kinked and looped bowel and he had a hard time getting it up thru to the end. He wanted to quit but I said that he had to keep going because I needed it done. He took 3polyps from the stomach and 2 from my colon, I still have multiple polyps left.
I rec'd the path report today and am a little in shock. It reads that I have a neuroendocrine tumor and need further investigation. I don't really want to tell my husband this right now or anytime really. That's why I came here to vent. I know there is no right time to tell him, I just don't want to do it over the holidays, when we are going to go out on our boat and have fun.
I just needed to tell someone, thanks for being here.