I am wondering if anyone else has experienced this as a side effect of Rituximab. I had two doses of Rituximab in December 2016 after having six IV doses of Amphotericin B.

Since then I have had two upper respiratory tract infections and I was given antibiotics. Although the colds seem to go quite quickly, I have a permanently snotty nose, which is either yellow or clear viscous fluid, sometimes streaked with brownish fluid. I am concerned that the latter is aspergillus infection again , but my consultant thinks it's blood, sorry for the gory detail guys.

Also I have a productive cough which is pretty much the same as the nasal stuff. Is this a side effect of Rituximab? Before I had Rituximab I generally had a mildly runny nose and I mostly coughed up varying amounts of blood, nothing much else unless I had a viral infection.

I do use a fluticasone nasal spray, and if I don't my nose gets crusted and sore.

I'm sorry if this issue has been raised before!