I escaped saddle nose, I guess because I was diagnosed relatively quickly. During the first year there was some discussion of surgery to open up the scarred areas, putting stents in there, etc., but ultimately the doc said the benefit would probably be minimal.

I was on a standard program of prednisone, followed by and combined with methotrexate, eventually tapering the prednisone to nothing over the course of many months. Rinsing with Budesonide to combat inflammation, and with Bactroban, were very effective, and I still rinse fairly regularly. I think just the passage of time has helped a lot too, i.e. since I have not had any active disease in a while my nose has had a chance to heal, even though there is some permanent damage and I have fluctuations in ear/nose symptoms, as well as minor side effects from medications. In my case, methotrexate was effective in bringing about remission, and I've had no serious flares, so I know I'm lucky.

There are many ups and downs with this, as you know, so hang in there.