Hi Deanna,

The one thing I thought I'd add is that maybe a ct scan (instead of just a chest X-ray) may be in order? When I had an X-ray they saw 1 Granuloma. When I had a ct scan a few days after the X-ray they saw that I had 3 granulomas (over 3 cm each) plus 2 nodules. It just goes to show you that an X-ray may miss granulomas in your lungs.

I also had ear pain, fullness and abundant drainage out of BOTH ears for months (that was my main presenting symptom) - so both ears definitely can be involved with wegs.

I'm sorry the pred didn't help you with your ears. I started 60 mg pred and ritux infusion days apart, so I'm not sure which helped but my ears got better.

I still have shortness of breath and sometimes raspy voice like you. And now I have my first head cold with wegs.

Wishing you the best with your health and that your dr's gain wisdom on your illness. Does sound like wegs to me based on your symptoms and labs but I have no medical degrees. Maybe it's time for another rheumatology doc opinion.