i was reading margarets concerns about other drugs not working for her brother i have had one course of rituximab and am due for another on the 7th december and same results so far as so many others NO SIDE EFFECTS the only effects i had on the day were the jitters and shakes a little not much to put up with really if you can put up with the disease itself hey my rheam swears by this drug he says he has 10 patients under him with wg in victoria australia each is different as in needs for the drug . he told me the other day one fellow only had to have it once but one of his long term patients has had 8 doses so everyone is different but the main feedback i hear about it is it is hard to get it prescribed because it is so expensive compared to cyclophosmamide ( phew thats a long one )
so the hospitals dont like handing it out willy nilly hence why a lot of people get put on the cyclophosmamide. but the biggest difference between the two is rituximab only kills the bad cells which are the b cells it does not TOTALLY wipe out your immune system like the cyclophosmamide does i know which one we should be all pushing for . but like i read others saying as well it is trial and error with a lot of drugs and not all will work for everyone
i myself am on rituximab iv 1000mg methotrexate tablets 20mg , vitamin d hi potency, calcium tablets , and folic acid tablets 10mg , im not sure what other drugs they use as well but i seem to remember seeing imurin and bactrim on here somewhere but i dont know what they use them for ?
thanks Tim.