Hello, this is my first post to this forum which I am very glad to have come across.I would really appreciate any input who would be willing to listen to my "story" of my current and past symptoms, which all seem to correlate with this disease or Churg-Strauss. It is a bit lengthly, and may be boring to read as it's been going on for so long, but would be very grateful as I'm really suffering. Not only from the progressive symptoms, but not being heard by medical staff who will honestly acknowledge to report my very obvious symptoms that I have or tell them. I have bits and pieces from different Drs. over the years, with major horrible experiences in the last 4 yrs that has emotionally affected me. None will work to evaluate me as a “whole” and I simply do not know what to do anymore. Each say they're only specialized in one small area of the body and simply won't review elsewhere, which has been a major problem. I DO feel reviewing/discussing past results are important! as well as documenting what the patient says (which has not been happening for me). None have mentioned "Anca" testing, which I am still confused of what this is. My symptoms are progressively worsening but same time in "remission" in other areas. I'm just so emotionally and physically drained of being sick. I really need help. Thank you