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Thread: medical update

  1. #21
    Doug Guest


    p.s. I got a pound kitty today! That makes you sweeter, too. Tomorrow, I get a pound cat. That doesn't make you sweeter, but you get a hero medal for saving two lives. In time, I shall post photos of the two. The kitty, after listening to dogs in nearby cages bark most of the day for three weeks, was a bit shell shocked, but, by this afternoon, was cuddling and purring and "tasting" me. I still had to make a little tent of a towel in her bed box so she felt a little more protected. The kitty, a dark grey tabby cat, has cute little black dots where her whishers attach to her muzzle, so the top choice for a name for her is "Freckles".

    The adult cat and I had an introduction today, with the cat rubbing both sides of its muzzle on my finger (as opposed to eating it, when I stuck it in the cage). He or she (I didn't get a chance to check any "naughty parts", which are irrelevant to me since the vet will neuter or spay both; the cats didn't indicate how they felt about these parts, so I feel free to act! Ha!). The adult cat is a striking orange cat. It's so beautiful, I can't imagine it wasn't owned. The poundmaster said no one's claimed it yet, opening up the chance for me to have it as of tomorrow.

    The other thing WG has brought to me is a sense that I should do the things I want to do. Not in bitter resignation to some terrible disease, but in celebration of the life I have despite the horrible disease! Will I live longer than the cats? That's my intention! Ha!

    (p.s. There's a building permit posted on the shelter door. The dogs and cats, finally, will have separate spaces so that cats aren't so stressed out. Yay!)

  2. #22
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    Red face

    Congrads fellow rescuer!! My four kitties came from a no kill pound. They were two weeks old when they were found. no mom. nursed in a cage. We had the pleasure of meeting them at 4 weeks. They are all different colors and patterns. Three are mostly white but.........cheeto has some orange tiger stripes, fluffy is a calicao with color only by her tail and ears the rest is white, oreo has grey and black tiger stripes with more white. Those three are littermates. Number four was extra special and came from the vet. Jasmine, black and grey tigeress and very tiny. Half the size of the others but a week older. She wasn't fed properly in the begining and her growth was stunted. She will always be smaller. She has the attitude to make up for it. I have given her the nick name Psyco kitty. She is truly gifted or touched someway. I have to say they make great cuddle bugs or you can ignore them and they dont mind that either. They never scream and yell. The messes are mild and they are warm when you feel cold. We didnt get them right away because they had to wait for shots and then we fostered them for a cou[ple weeks before they got fixed. We have enjoyed watching them run and play and sleep and eat. We signed papers after they were all done with the vet. visits. Now they are our friends and hopefully mouse catchers.
    One thing I did learn so far was if the first three ingreds in there food are something you wouldnt eat than they shouldnt either.

  3. #23
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    Doug, I'm so happy to hear about your new kitties. Thank you for saving their lives. I can't believe they kept the cats in the same room as the dogs. So stressful for them!

  4. #24
    Doug Guest


    The second cat came into my life today. S/he will go by Lucy or Algernon ("Al") once I look at her/his "naughty part". Ha! Lucy/Al is a bit bossy, whereas Freckles is a cuddlebunny. I took Freckles over to the care center today, and she was a huge hit! My mother had her on her lap, petting her for almost two hours, and wasn't ready to give her up, though it was time for her (Mom's) supper. Wjhen I came back to the apartment,
    which I decided to let Lucy/Al have run of while I was gone, I discovered s/he is a clever cat. She can open drawers, cabinets, shower doors, and
    perform open heart surgery using only her claws and teeth. Uh, no, I lied about the last skill, but s/he is pretty clever!

  5. #25
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    LOL-- trying to picture your house with your new "Cat burglar."

  6. #26
    Doug Guest


    I have a photo of each in my scrapbook now. I had lots of difficulties getting a photo of Lucy/Al because s/he has has previous brushes with the law, whereas Freckles was abandoned by her unwed mother, who probably is unaware of social responsibility and the benefits of spaying. The mother lives a couple blocks from where I live, but the shame attached to this unplanned pregnancy preclude birth announcements and revelation of the mother's (let alone the father's...!) identity. Ahem!

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