Quote Originally Posted by morningsunshine View Post
I had the 4 infusions of RTX in June and my B-Cell count is at zero. My doctors are monitoring my B-Cell count and as soon as they return, I'll get another infusion of RTX (continuing on indefinitely). My nephrologist said that he has seen the time between RTX infusions be anywhere from 3 months to 24 months, but on average it's about 6 months. So right now we're waiting to see how many months I'll need between RTX infusions.

As a caveat: I haven't entered remission yet and I'm still on 17.5mg MTX weekly, 10mg prednisone daily, but I know the long-term plan for me (over the course of the next two years) is to taper off of the MTX and (fingers crossed) pred and only do RTX infusions whenever my B Cells return.

So no direct experience yet, but the goal is for RTX to be my primary maintenance drug!

I have been on Imuran, Humira, and Methotrexate. In March I had my first go at Rituxan infusions and responded very well to them. I will be using Rituxan as a maintanence drug every 6 months and am currently now into my second dose of it. I am also taking 20mg of Methotrexate weekly and 5mg prednisone daily. I am just thrilled I no longer have to take the 60 mg of prednisone daily.