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Thread: My Wegener's story

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    Default My Wegener's story

    I just found this forum a few weeks ago, I was told I had Wegener’s back in December of 2000 when I was 22.

    My story is I didn’t feel good for a lot of the last half of 2000 and was getting weak to where it was hard to get out of a chair or into a vehicle, I hadn’t seen a doctor for anything in years other than a pre-employment screen a few years earlier. In Mid-November I seen a local doctor, he didn’t know what was wrong just that I had a high white cell count. Thanksgiving weekend at my parents I woke up in the recliner late in the evening in a lot of pain and my mom took me to the ER. The doctor there said I had Pinkeye and Pleurisy. He was half right; I did have the pleurisy but not pinkeye. After acouple days on Tylenol 3 I still wasn’t better and seen my new local doctor again. At this point I was having a lot of blood in my urine and could hardly pick my feet up. I had lots of red spots appearing on my legs and what looked like bruises under all my finger nails. My eyes were so bloodshot I didn’t have a lot of white left showing. I was constantly blowing my nose like I had a cold every day. My joints hurt to the point it hurt to stand up or even pick up a glass without discomfort. When I would sleep I would soak the pillow and sheets with sweat. Anything I would try to eat or drink I couldn’t keep it down and as a result I was losing a lot of weight.

    Fortunately on the second office visit he referred me to a Rheumatologist that worked me in the next afternoon due to my health. From there I spent a few weeks in the hospital feeling like a lab rat. My lungs were getting worse and I started spitting up some blood, my kidneys weren’t doing very good and they talked to me about possible dialysis if things didn’t improve, I ended up getting muscle and nerve biopsy done on my leg, Skin biopsy of the red spots on my other leg, lung biopsy, and countless blood draws. After about aweek and half the labs came back that I had positive C ANCA and that it was very high, I don’t remember the numbers anymore. I do remember getting 250mg of injected prednisone every 12 hours for two or three days. And I was on 175mg of Cytoxan with 80mg of prednisone daily after discharge.
    I also got diagnosed with Raynaud syndrome while in the hospital, for some time before all this I had some issues with fingers and toes getting cold, but during this winter after discharged from the hospital a couple fingers on either hand would turn white after a couple minutes outside. Over the years it has gotten better but my ring finger on my right hand will go numb rather quickly but it takes a while before it turns white.

    6 weeks went by after discharge seeing a lung doctor, rheumatologist, and kidney doctors on a very regular basis. My strength had returned fairly well And then I got released to go back to work, for two days, Then I ended up with a DVT (blood clots in my left calf).

    So now I got to add an Internist to the mix to take care of my Coumadin at which I ended up on 12.5mg of daily.
    I think I was on treatment with the Cytoxan and prednisone for 2-1/2 to 3 years before I was taken off of it with still a low positive C-ANCA. So it has been a good 10-11years since I have seen my Rheumatologist as I seen my Kidney specialist for blood pressure meds and to monitor my kidney function.

    After about 3 years my kidney doctor loved to have Pre Med students see me whenever there was one in the clinic while I had an appointment. He also told me that he used my case (without my name ) when he would teach at a college due to the rarity of the disease.
    In my chart from when I first seen the Rheumatologist he asked me why as a 22 year old I went to the doctor. I told him I couldn’t pick my feet up to get into my truck. I had to hang onto the drip rail and the top of the door and pull myself up, then help pull up my legs with my hands.
    So those Pre Med students would sit there and read through my chart and ask me about my symptoms of Wegener’s and see my initial complaint.

    In 2012 my Kidney doctor was leaving the clinic and I had no issues with the Wegener’s since 2004 or 5 my C-ANCA had gone away, My kidney function was normal and I was just on blood pressure meds. So I got referred to an Internal Med doctor in the town where I live.
    Now in Early August 2014 my C-ANCA test has come backpositive, luckily low 1:20 but it’s enough for me to go see my Rheumatologist again for the first time in a decade. I’m hoping that I won’t need to go back on any medication but I know I was told 14 years ago that if it would become inactive I could have a flare up at any time as there is no cure only treatments.
    And that’s how I came about finding this website as I was doing some research on this disease that I have tried to not think too much about but always wondering when it would show up again.
    Last edited by Mas78; 05-31-2015 at 12:57 AM.

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    HI mas78
    Your initial onset of WG is very similar to mine.
    It does sound like you maybe at the beginning of a relapse and I would expect you to be on meds again soon. Chances are it will be milder medication than the first time as WG won't have managed to progress as much as the first time (I usually start relapse/flare treatment with high dose prednisolone and azathioprine).
    You have actually done very well to be in remission for 10 years. Wegener's has never given me such a long break.
    Diagnosed April 1995

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    My Dad has had Raynaud's since he was about 35 (he's 91 now), so I know what that disease is all about. It's no fun. It sounds like your rheumy was right on top of things to dx the disease as quickly as he did. Of course, you delayed quite a while and were presenting with a number of the classic symptoms. I'll bet the 500mg of pred really felt good after all you had been through. You're still a kid -- I hope you can get this thing back in remission. Cheers, vw

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    gilders, I agree that I have kind of beat the odds that I have gone roughly 10 years without a flare. I'm hoping if I do need any meds I can go at least another 10 years..

    vdub, the Raynaud's really wasn't an issue before I got diagnosed with Wegener's, So I assume they are connected for me as it has gotten better over the past 14 years. its still odd that at times I can be hot and sweaty but half my finger is cold. and most of the time if its cold out my finger goes numb I don't really notice that anymore, but it hurts as it warms back up when I get inside.
    you are correct that the initial dose of prednisone I got felt great, I still remember quite well how it hurt to make a fist, within minutes after that first dose I could move without much discomfort. The Rheumatologist that I seen, and will see again, was definitely on top of things from the start. He had seen Wegener's before and suspected that's what I had right away but had to wait for all the tests to come back and until the ANCA test came back he didn't give me any meds as I recall he didn't want to suppress what I had until they knew for sure. I was also very fortunate that my new local doctor after seeing me twice in a 2-3 week time span believed I had an autoimmune disorder and got me to the Rheumatologist the next day.

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    Although WG has no set pattern and effects everyone differently, this may be of some comfort to you - The first relapse I had was within a couple of weeks of coming off Prednisolone, the second relapse was 1-2 months after I'd come off prednisolone, third relapse was about 6 months after coming off prednisolone, fourth relapse 12 month after coming off prednisolone and my latest relapse was after 2-3 years off prednisolone.
    It's generally been a case of I manage to be in remission for twice as long as the time before (or even a bit longer). Therefore if you do follow my pattern and are unluckily having a relapse at the moment, then the next one (hopefully there won't be a next one) won't be for at least another 20 years for you.

    Have you had a definite decision on whether you are having a relapse at the moment?
    Diagnosed April 1995

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    Thank you for sharing your story. I'm sorry that after all the years of feeling pretty well, you now have to maybe deal with possible issues again. I'm wishing you all the best and hope that you won't have to start meds again. Glad that you found us!

    Do not fear anything, just do it afraid!
    It does not matter how slowly you go, as long as you do not stop!

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    gilders, I haven't met with my Rheumatologist again yet, the day my C-ANCA labs came back my doctors nurse called me and said need to get to Des Moines, so I forgot to ask what my level was at that time, but I told them to contact my old rheumatologist and about 3 very long hours later I was told that he wasn't very concerned with the low positive test since I had a low positive test until a few years ago without any great ill effects.
    unless I notice any issues or changes, beyond the joint aches and such that I have had for years I wont see him until early December. So I am fairly optimistic that I wont have to go back on any meds but we'll wait and see what my future labs say.


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