Just had my six monthly tests and appointment with my specialists and I walked out feeling like it's all in my mind.

This idiot doctor tells me all my blood and urine tests are normal and my X-rays show no signs of infection. He asked me who diagnosed me and how was the diagnosis confirmed. All this information is documented in my files and he obviously couldn't be bothered to check.
I said angrily that they did a biopsy on the pseudo tumour behind my eye that was progressively sending me blind.

After nearly 5 years of living hell with this disease and this quack was trying to throw doubt on my diagnosis. What a waste of time.

I complained to him about the infection in my sinus. About the great chunks of green and yellow coloured scab material I have to blow from my nose constantly. His comment was I have no infection and smoking does that.

I told him the night sweats have returned and my eyes are so sore. I asked him if something might be done about my hearing which has noticeably and recently got worse. I told him my taste and smell is gone. He has ignored all this.

I recently tested positive to an FOBT test showing I have blood in my stools. I'm having no luck in getting a colonoscopy. I asked him if he could fast track this as I've read WG can cause bleeding from that area. He said that's rubbish. That WG doesn't cause bleeding from the bowel. Again he did nothing.

In the last week I'm noticing a lump growing rapidly on the side of one nostril. I had this happen when my disease was active.

Im getting to to the point where I'm giving up on the medical system. I think to myself that it's probably better I cut ties with these idiots that I think might think I'm a hypochondriac. Just let the disease go for it and deal with the consequences then.