Phil's mother told me something that warmed my heart: they got a letter from the Vasculitis Foundation, to let his parents know that the Foundation had recieved some very generous donations in Phil's memory. she told me the names of the donators, two weggies friends from facebook. what a beautiful gesture.

I talk or correspond with Phil's parents almost every day. They are amazing. Warm and caring, strong and wise. You can see where Phil came from. We cry together on the phone. We share sweet memories, similar pain, aching emptiness, rage at the hospital, and endless longing.

They are very devoted. we were sitting, the 3 of us with Phil, for hours, massaging his feets, scratching his head, fondling him and so on, all of us at once. he was surrounded with so much love and caring. and all the time he was also caring and loving and so sweet, eventhough he was in a terrible suffering.

Phil's father has great sense of humor which reminds me of Phil's sense of humor. He is retired and was all days at home with Phil, taking care of him. Now that the house is empty (Phil's mother is going to work every day) he adopted a cat and called him "nobody" so that he can say: "nobody's home". in a way they also "adopted" me, his father says that I am his "favorite daughter in law".

It is unthinkable to be there in the house without Phil. I couldnt sleep there at the night after he passed away. it is so full of him and so empty from him at the same time. heart breaking is not enough to describe the feeling.

how can the batcave be without batman ?

how can Batgirl be without her batman ???
just can't.