I posted to my album 2 more funny selfies of Phil and me, and then I couldnt upload any more pics, I dont know why. will check again later.... pics with me are in my album because I need my privacy. pics of Phil can be here, he allowed me to.

I dont mind anymore having a saddle nose, because my sweet soulmate had one, and he was very cute with his nose, and it feels good to see that we share same feature on our faces as well....

when he was in the ICU he was with feeding tube they attached to his nose with a plaster, which made the nose looks straight (not saddle) and I told him I should put on my nose a plaster as well....

there were many sacry, tough and heart breaking days. but there was allways also the joy of being together, the endless love, and many many smiles, even when in pain. of both of us.