First I want to say I've been lurking on this forum all day and you guys are a great group of people! So compassionate and inspirational. I have not been diagnosed yet but Im almost positive I have Wegeners from the research I've done over the past few days. I thought maybe if I share my story someone could point me in the right direction.

It started about 2 months ago with what I thought was a cold, took zicam and never really even ended up coming down with it. Then the random shooting pains at the top back of my head. I chalked it up to anxiety or ice pick headache. Next came left sided sinus pain and oh man the pain. I never really had congestion or any funny colored mucus so I wasn't quite sure what to make of it. In the middle of all this I came down with a 48 hour flu. It did go away but I think thats when the general fatigue and feeling yucky set in. After one night of painful left sided temple and jaw pain I went to the doc. He prescribed antibiotics for a sinus infection. I did initially make improvement with them but on maybe the 4th or 5th day my symptoms came right back. The fatigue, no appetite, throwing up, red irritated eyes, left sided sinus pain. After that I was given new antibiotics and medrol dose pak. Within a day or two I was feeling great, appetite came back, pain went away, energy was lifted.

Now last medrol pill was this morning and by this afternoon the symptoms were back. Scared, I left work early and drove to the doctors office. He recommended a CT sinus scan and maybe bloodwork. A little backstory, Im completely self pay, I have no insurance. Im so scared and have no idea what to do. I know early diagnosis is key but Im not sure exactly what tests need to be done? My husband thinks Im a hyperchondriac and wants me to get bloodwork but feels if its negative this is probably all self induced. I just started a new job this week and they offer health insurance but I think I have to wait a bit for it to kick in. Plus with the way I feel I have no idea how Im going to be able to work. I don't know where to turn. I feel so helpless since its Friday night and not much can be done over the weekend. Any help you can give is appreciated. Thanks so much!

Edit: Wanted to add that over the past 2 weeks or so I've had 2 nosebleeds but I've had nosebleeds since i was a kid so not sure if its related? Both times have been when I was in a hot bath and its not totally abnormal for me to have that happen after a cold or during the winter time when the air is dry. Also, If Im having head pains does that mean brain involvement?