whomever was "reading" the CT scan has never seen a Wegener's patient
Sounds like they hadn't even heard of wegs, but I wonder why they didn't read the top line where it says you have wegs and maybe look it up if they didn't know what it was.

I had an appt with a VA doctor a month ago. He said "so you have diabetes".... Uh, no, I don't. Yeah, ya do your glucose is very high. No, my glucose and a1c are right on the money.... Oh, nevermind, wrong chart... Then he gets to my drug list and starts counting... "23 drugs a day, uh? that's way too many. we'll cut you down to 5. absolutely no more than 5". Uh, wrong chart again or do you not know what those diseases are that are listed on the top of the sheet? "doesn't matter, no more than 5" AND, he actually made me an appointment with a "clinical pharmacist" (whatever that is) to trim my drugs to 5. I got home and cancelled the appointment. Sheeezeee!