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Thread: Flu vaccines

  1. #61
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    Quote Originally Posted by pberggren1 View Post
    In my province that have legislated a new law, just like in many other states and countries, that if a health care worker does get the flu shot then they have to wear a mask. Talk about bullying and communism from the Masonic powers. Soon it will be forced on us as well.
    too bad
    dx 2008

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  2. #62
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    Well its that time of year again. Is everyone going to get a flu shot ? I am going to take me and my mother for one on our next pcp visit in a couple of weeks.
    Life isn't about how you survive the storm, but how to dance in the rain !

  3. #63
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    Already got mine.
    dx 1/11

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  4. #64
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    My mom ended up with MPA right after having a flu shot.

    All vaccines have deadly chemicals and misfolded proteins in them and there is no clear effectiveness of them.
    Mercury is the 2nd most toxic chemical next to plutonium and this is in vaccines to block our immune system.
    Effectiveness of Flu Vaccine Raises More Red Flags

    Vitamin D has been proven effective in preventing flu, colds, TB, etc.
    The optimum D levels are 60-80 ng/mL.

    Listen the former head of Merck Pharmaceutical, Maurice Hileman explain vaccines
    Last edited by mrtmeo; 10-06-2014 at 01:59 AM.

  5. #65
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    Already got mine too. Never had much of a reaction to it, but this one has left quite a swelling. It's painful to press/touch it, but doesn't hurt if left alone.
    Diagnosed April 1995

  6. #66
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    My doc brought it up last week. He thinks I should get one. I will most likely hang back. I do appreciate hearing both the positive and negative about it, in case I should be ready to make a decision either way. So far in my life I've gotten by just fine without one and there have been compelling arguments against it on this site. Then there are the sensible people like Pete who go ahead and get one and have no problem. I will wait to hear more of what people have to say.
    Anne, dx'ed April 2011

  7. #67
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    I have had the flu vaccine annually since 2009. I also had my second pneumonia vaccine this year, the first also in 2009. I have had no side effects. As far as effectiveness goes i have had a few minor cold and 2 bouts of flu during this time the last one being about a month or so ago. It took me well over 2 weeks to recover. I did run a temperature for about 12 hours and developed a bad productive cough which took well over a week to improve. Managed to keep away from the GP's office as I did no want antibiotics and the fact the elevation in temp only lasted half a day gave me the confidence to do this. Always a worry when immune suppressed. Maybe it would have been worse without the vaccine...who knows??


  8. #68
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    At my last rheumy appointment (last week) I just saw the best sign regarding the flu that I've ever seen. It was plastered all over the walls, elevators in a huge building that has a whole lot of immune compromised people.

    On the poster was a hand with various colours on it, each colour representing something you've touched along the way that is carrying some sort of germ. "Your hands are dangerous weapons" It was a quote from the CDC saying that washing hands and not touching your face are the NUMBER ONE way to prevent flu transmission. Now that is honest, without anyone pushing the agenda that will make a bunch of money on the campaign. I've known this for a long time, and have been practicing it without the aid of a flu shot. I just had my first nasty flu in a very long time (years) and that's probably because after my rheumy appointment I was hanging out at ICU in the University of Alberta Hospital, to see a buddy who is in a coma after a motorcycle accident. I spent most of the day hanging out at the hospital, so I'm sure I picked up whatever it was while there. I digress - as usual.

    My point is that we see the 'flu shot campaign' come around twice a year because it has become a cash cow for the pharmaceutical companies. They have health boards pushing it, and as I've said before Big Pharma is exempt from law suits on vaccines, so this is a no brainer. There is very little proof that flu shots actually work, and because they can't be held accountable for the damage they cause, there is also very little proof of the actual damage they cause.

    Iatrogenic disease or death. It's been a lot on my mind lately. We all know one person who was a casualty, and I also have another distant relative (by marriage) who, as I write, is on a steady demise after a nurse's mistake. Doctors aren't giving him much hope.

    Iatrogenic disease or death is defined as caused or initiated by the medical or pharmaceutical profession. So the stat that I just saw was that well over 200,000 Americans die each year from iatrogenic disease. 200,000. If we were to compare that to airplane crashes, that would mean a jumbo jet crashing every day, all year (many days two crashing in a day) and killing everyone on board. Do you think the Airline Industry would survive very long if that actually happened? Well why is nobody holding the Health Industry and moreso the pharmaceutical industry accountable? I am only on here, with Wegener's, because I believed in our system when they told me that I was safe getting the H1N1 vaccine. I didn't know that Vasculitis was actually a KNOWN negative side effect, however small the possibility. I was told I am signing with informed consent when I got the H1N1 flu shot, well I wasn't informed, how many others get this completely uninformed... following like the sheep they love us to be, hearing the bells of a cash register as each sheep dutifully gets jabbed.

    Just my opinion, based on my experience and subsequent research as related to my set of personal events. I do not judge, I just try and help others from going down the gross road I've gone down now that I know the mistakes that have taken me down that road.

  9. #69
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    Quote Originally Posted by mrtmeo View Post

    Listen the former head of Merck Pharmaceutical, Maurice Hileman explain vaccines
    Absolutely shocking the lightness with which this is discussed.
    We are all just lab mice as far as Mr's. and Ms's. Monneybags from PHarma Land are concerned.

  10. #70
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    Goodness gracious! Know your history! The flu of 1918-19 was one of the world's
    worst natural disasters. Its death toll was worse than WWI. It worked on immune systems
    such that they were hyperactive. Those with the strongest immune systems were most prone to die.
    Are you willing to see 5% of the world’s population die?

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