Jacquie, you are a good detective/researcher/librarian! I'm glad you're getting to the bottom of things... Slowly but surely. I'm also hopeful that the IGg issue could help Phil as it sounds as though some of the issues/infections are similar.

I'm curious, forgive me if I've missed this somewhere, how did they decide you don't have Wegs? I had it suggested and supposedly ruled out a number of times over a number of years before they found my stenosis and worse inflammation in my nose and throat and then decided that I do have it after all (according to the ENT. Everyone else is treating me for it but not coming right out and saying I have it, then referring to 'the Wegener's' as if it's been confirmed. (?!?) so I'm wondering what made them decide for certain that your issues are not caused at least in part by WG.

I don't know whether this will be helpful, but I have had all of those same pulmonary function tests over the years, and the spirometry was always a bit off (something about the inspiratory loop flattening, which if I understand correctly means that my inhalation was somewhat restricted). This was reported to be evidence of upper airway obstruction that nobody ever really explained... It was treated as mild asthma with salbutamol, which seemed to help when I had mucous stuck in my throat and trouble breathing. It wasn't until three or four years later that a new ENT found the subglottic stenosis, which must have been what the obstruction was all along. (Unless it was just one of the globs that got stuck).

sorry for the grossness but I guess with the mucous and globs it may help others to be specific/descriptive.... Yuck! (Btw, the guaifenesin helps me wth that too.)