Benn 10 years since I have done a single thing close to a hobby. I always spent every spare moment sleeping, crying, thinking, .. All that stuff. I've only been on mtx for 3 weeks and I'm already thinking about picking up a hobby. Can't go back to skydiving... Not in the mood to make bead jewelry again. Then I got an idea. I am going to start blogging. Not for popularity, or even a message to all I guess. Just to get all my ideas out. We all go through so much, change, growth, and morph our minds and bodies. So I started a list of things that I think about, have an opinion about etc. filled 2 pages in less than 10 mins, I have something to say! I think this will be a great outlet for me, it will also be a great legacy to leave for my kids, something for them to read when I am gone, and learn who I really was inside, without WG.
Then I realized, I am on a 2 year treatment plan, and if I write every day, all day, I am going to become a raging lunatic, analyzing this crazy brain of mine lol. Ok, this is the longest lead up to the simple questions ever. Lol
does anyone else blog? Help?
what are your hobbies? What do you do for personal enrichment? I just know there is stuff to do that I have never thought of.