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Thread: H1n1

  1. #31
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    Re-reading this thread and having a think about it.

    I am immuno-suppressed and therefore have a higher risk of catchng anything. Of the vaccine is 70%-90% effective in healthy people and given the fact that I'm immuno-suppressed (damn, that reminds me, must take my pills!) means that even if I do get the jab I'm probably only very slightly, if at all. protected. My immune system is not likely to 'remember' that I had it before and even less likely to recognise the fact that I've been given a vaccine. I'm fast coming to the conclusion that I may not bother with it, despite previously giving reasons for taking it.

    If I get it again, I'll bunker down, take drugs, complain alot and wait it out.

    me = confused but thinking
    Forum Administrator
    Diagnosed March 2003.
    Currently but not permanetly residing in Canberra, Australia.

  2. #32
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    I got my H1N1 single dose vaccine (no thermesol in single dose) today and my kids got the nasal spray( I tried to get them the injection but the clinic said it wasn't available for non-high risk kids). I am an RN and have three school age kids. The virus is prevalant in my kids school and the community. I think the risk of the vaccine is less than the risk of getting a viral respiratory illness. It is a strain of virus unique to humans-as of last spring- so the estimates are 50% will get it. People are contagious 24-36 hours before they have symptoms and people are also irrisponsible and send sick kids to school and go to work sick- so the chances of getting exposed are pretty high. The people I have seen at work are getting really sick, really fast. I don't think it is something I want to take my chances with. The trouble now is that it takes 2 weeks for full immunity from the injectable and my kids have to go back for a second nasal spray in 28 days before their immunity is complete. So in the mean time, we are militant hand washers. I think you have to determine if you are more concerned with a vaccine or a serious viral respiratory disease.

  3. #33
    Doug Guest


    I am a militant handwasher myself. I don't hesitate to emphasize what exposure to other people's diseases can do to me- if i don't take reasonabvle precautions to avoid exposure, i.e. wash my hands before touching my face or eyes. Sangye posted a really cute video in her post on the subject just a short time ago. It was for International Wash Your Hands Day (Or something like that). It's worth a repeat:

    I was mistaken- nevermind! Sangye has updated her blog with a blog on the theme of new drugs for weggies. Her blog always is interesting, often thoughtful, humorous, so once again I draw your attention to it. The latest blog is especially good.
    Last edited by Doug; 11-01-2009 at 03:07 PM.

  4. #34
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    Well I feel great, no lasting effect except for the red patch on the jab site. Its still red but has not grown. The flu epidemic is all over the news, Ukraine being the hardest hit. As personal as getting a shot is I am a great proponent of getting anythig and everything one can get to help. Antibiotics and flu shots and all meds we take will have some effect on bacteria and viruses, but them mutations occur whith or without our help. Is it a conspiracy theory to net more income for pharmaceutical companies - don't know - all I know is that by having the flu shot every year for the past 3 years I have not had a cold or flu since. Before that I would get couple of colds and the flu.

  5. #35
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    The flu shot can't protect against colds, so you must be doing something else to improve your immunity. I've never had a flu shot and only had the flu once in my life--10 years ago. Typical 3 days and then done. My office was filled with sick babies and kids all the time, so I was definitely exposed to everything out there!

  6. #36
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    I agree Sangye regarding the standing inline to get the flu shots with many other possibly infected people...arghhh. Thought that many times myself

  7. #37
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    I've just come back from having my regular flue jab and I'm still alive!
    I asked about the swine flue vaccine while I was there, but they are still waiting for supplies. That is not the impression given by the press. The program is supposed to be well under way.

  8. #38
    Doug Guest


    Weggies don't always have the luxury of having appointments exactly when they want them, because of jobs, availability of appointment slots, whatever, but I regularly made my appointments for the first opportunity to have the first appointment of the day. That reduced my exposure to germy, snot-nosed children (no doubt loveable to someone!) and adults with infectious diseases. There have been times I wore a mask when I couldn't get the desired first appointment.

  9. #39
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    Very good suggestion, Doug. The first appointment is also a way to avoid a longer wait.

    Jack, glad to hear the flu shot didn't kill you on the spot. Too funny!

  10. #40
    Doug Guest


    Sometimes, because I come about an hour early, the doctor will take me early, and get a great start on his or her day! It also assures that I have the doctor's attention long enough to ask all the questions I have, but more importantly, the doctor isn't rushed to answer.

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