My son, 13 years old has recently been diagnose with Wegener's. After always being a very healthy child, in Feb, 2009 he got the flu. We went to the pediatrician and he was diagnosed as viral, with fluid behind the ears, it will go away. After two more visits to the pediatrician we went to the ENT because he was losing his hearing. The ENT put tubes in his office (didn't take him into surgery). AFter four or five more visits with the same complaint (he can't hear) we changed ENTs. In June we went back to the pediatrician with pain while urination. Urinalysis was done, no infection, trace of blood. In July the new ENT put him in surgery and found granulation in his ears and nose. He had chronic sinus pain since FEbruary. THey biopsied his ears and nose and found it suspicious for Wegener's. Positive for c-ANCA put very low 1/35. Sed rate of 28. We ended up at Childrens Hospital in New Orleans where the rheumatoligist confirmed the diagnosis and put him on 60 mg Predisone and 400 mg of Plaquenil. I cannot find any research whatsoever for using Plaquenil for treatment. It does not appear that his kidneys or lungs are involved. Lung x-ray clear and no granulation in his kidneys. Any insight is appreciated.