I just wanted to take this moment to apologize for being a knob.

I let history and my emotions get the best of me and said things that were completely unacceptable on a public page or anywhere else for that matter. I am ashamed and embarrassed of my actions, and there is absolutely no excuse for my behaviour. You are all wonderful people and none of you, not one, deserve to see, read, hear the words that I was spewing. There is history that many (most) of you don't know about, and little things that seem completely innocuous to a bystander got me going, but that is not an excuse or a reason to behave the way I did. In my own defense I did say I am not looking for a fight, but I let myself get pulled into one.

I am sorry!

I asked Andrew to remove me from the forum and he hasn't yet. Thanks Andrew. If he doesn't I will take a leave of absence from here and focus on what I can do to get us closer to a cure. I want to focus my energy on trying to affect positive change rather than what happened here this week. I have to tell you that on that day, I felt the worst I have felt in years. Years! I spent the whole day in tears and feeling such great loss that my body hurt all over. It's gotten better over the last couple of days, but I still am crying when I think about it or as I write right now. I'm not a cold calloused female dog like I came across on here. I promise. Ask any of my friends.

This place use to be my place of safety, comfort and answers on how to stay alive in a somewhat unbearable situation, Wegener's. I am sorry I took that feeling away from you but I'm also sorry that feeling got ripped from me. I have promised myself to keep an eye on the target and on the positive and avoid the negative and I failed this week. I hope you forgive me and let me back one day. In the mean time, I'll go out there and try to do us right.

Thanks to you all for being there for me and each other in our crazy life moments.
