Great news Pete!
I'm still in a bit of a rut. My relapse symptoms have worsened, especially this last week. All my bloods are coming back good, in fact my ANCA has just gone negative for the first time in 14 months (goes to show you can't rely on ANCA). My nephrologist, who deals with my WG, is now quite concerned as it's been over 2 months on high dose Pred and Aza. This has always knocked my relapses back into remmission, but it doesn't seem to be working this time. He's giving me to the beginning of January and if no improvement I'll be on something stronger.
It will have to be RTX as I previously couldn't tolerate Cyclo and MTX isn't suitable due to kidney failure. He mentioned Mycophenolate but from what I've read it doesn't seem much more powerful than the pred/AZA combo I'm already on.
There is still some issues with obtaining RTX on the NHS, but I'm hopeful I can get it AND tolerate it, otherwise there's no other treatment I'm aware of.
I'm at the cardiologist next week as the heart issue is getting worse every day. My nephrologist has aid he will also get a rheumatologist involved if I need stronger drugs in January.

I really need to be much better by May as we have a holiday to Cyprus booked. I couldn't get insurance for it as I booked when my ANCA was positive, so if we miss the holiday we won't be able to claim any of the money back.