I saw this article on CNN.com and thought it would help all of us stay alive in the hospital.

I always check every single drug they give me, every time they bring it. I make sure I recognize the pills, read the name on them, and look at the time. I also ask to see the packet from the hospital pharmacy for each one, that shows the name and dosage.

I've had so many wrong drugs and wrong dosages brought to me, I wouldn't be here if I hadn't been checking. I've had nurses bring more drugs (IV or oral) after the doctor discontinued them. I've had them insist I had to take something on an empty stomach that had to be taken with food or it would cause stomach damage. I've also had to miss doses either because the nurse was too busy or the pharmacy didn't send them on time. During one hospital stay, they gave me a drug at TEN TIMES my usual dose, and they did it two days in a row! These were all mistakes that happened in otherwise excellent hospitals.

Make sure you check them yourself. Don't assume your family/friends/visitors are checking it. People can be very passive and too embarrassed to ask on your behalf.