Hello everyone. For those that have read my posts, you've probably read my current situation. I have had a positive ANCA for the last 11 months. I've also being suffering with symptoms that would suggest a relapse. Most of you have given me the impression that I should be back on treatment. I had my reasons for holding off on the treatment, mostly due to renal issues, but in this case I think you were right.
The exact words from the email my specialist sent were "The biopsy has come back showing likely Wegeners!"
I guess "showing likely Wegeners!" isn't definitely Wegener's, but with my symptoms and positive ANCA, putting off treatment any longer would be risking it too much!
I'm due to see him next Thurs morning. I'll keep you all updated.
We are all different, but when I have a relapse my kidneys have received further damage each time. My Dr has told me that 1 more relapse would be the end for my kidney's. I can cope with WG and it's treatment, but going back on dialysis until I receive a transplant is something I'm going to find very hard to deal with.

I've not resigned myself to losing my kidney and will fight all I can, but I'm also facing up to facts!