I warned you. Don't click the link, seriously.

I have had a request to share some of the snotties that came out of my nose after I began treatment for my Wegener's, so here we go.

Really, these are gross. Don't click the link.

Wegener's boogers - Imgur

Why did you go click that? I told you.

Coins and drivers license provided for scale, these suckers were huge, and felt soooooooooo good coming out.

For about the first two weeks after my treatment began, I was getting these huge necrotic monsters coming out after a sinus rinse.

Since then the discharges have returned to "normal" non blood streaked, moist mucus.

If anyone else has some great booger pics to share, please do! I would love to see them.

Let's try and keep them hidden behind links though, so nobody gets surprises.
