For over 5 years I have been having a mysterious symptom. I would at times after exercising, working or talking get an odd, slightly painful sensation of something in my throat. I would then cough up a crust. I used to think this was just phlegm, but since the crust at times has some blood streaks, I recently started thinking that these crusts actually come from my nose since the crusts in my nose have the same shape, color and occasional blood streaks. I saw my doctor 3 years ago, explaining these odd crusty things being coughed up and he told me it was just an allergy. So got zyrtec, yet this never really cleared up and now everyday I cough a couple of these crusty things a day. I did loads of searches and just found a case of somebody coughing up crusts that was diagnosed with wegener's which is a disease I never heard about before. Well, this person had some sort of complication, something like stenotic trachea and ended up dying from swallowing this crust and not being able to breath, so now I am a bit scared! Does anybody with this condition cough up nasal crusts? Sorry for being graphic, but I gave up seeing doctors because they all seem to say it's either a sinus problem or allergies. Perhaps I should mention this condition next time?