And within the last week Whole Foods food market has announced that by a certain target date, they will require any food grower or food processing company that wants to sell in thier store, to declare if their product contains GM ingredients. They apparently have given up on the government ever requiring Monsanto et al to label their products. The government instead has created all sorts of time consuming and expensive hoops for organic farmers to jump through in order to be labeled organic. Europe requires gmo foods to be labeled. Monsanto has ised that as a way of promoting their products as being modified to be healthier .... so it is not as if they could not make a case for their products being healthier...Seems as if we should all just be informed of what ingredients are used. And yes....there are many small farmers who grow nonGMO foods....but are not officially organic. So buying local can be as good as organic. It is a matter of visiting your local farmer and finding out his growing methods. It is all very complicated. The best we can do is to be as careful and educated as possible and hope for the best!!