Hi gang,

I was just reading an old PM from Sam and was about to reply to her but then decided to share it with you all and this way I will have to do as much as I can and not jam out.

As you know, I have decided that the only way we'll see a cure for Wegener's is not by researching WG as funding is not there, but looking for the common thread of all autoimmune disease, which affects one in five people, so this stat alone will help create more interest. Last year I organized the first ever Pajama Day to raise awareness for autoimmune disease. Here's a link to what went down The video, pics and write-up of PJ Day and the Evening Fashion/Dance Show « Find The Common Thread This year I have bigger plans. They're so big in fact that Brian doesn't think I'm giving myself enough time but I'm gonna truck on forward and see what happens.

So I'm sharing my plans with you in case you want to jump on board and do something in your corner of the world. Also once it's out there in the ether, it's out there, it can only move forward.

So this year I will have PJ Day on March 1 - the first day of Autoimmune Disease Awareness Month. I want however to have a couple days of a conference or symposium where one day we can have medical pros from various specialties talk to patients, to each other - start a conversation going in Canada. Plus Jasper is a wonderful place to have something like this as it's also good for the soul to be amongst this spectacular nature. The second day I would like to bring in complimentary/alternative practitioners to help people get a better perspective and who knows, it might help many. I've already contacted some. Then on the third day it's PJ Day, it's a Friday and you'll be able to do all sorts of stuff in your PJ's and I'd like to have it end in a big dinner where I will try and get some of the people presenting join us and I'll try and get some other celebs to come out, that way we can sell the seats and hopefully make a few bucks for the cause.

I also have a brilliant idea on how to make a ton of money. I just need someone who is a genius with creating web sites (this one would be very complicated, but totally worth it). Once I get someone working on it, I'll explain in further detail - I'm just searching for that person right now, the one who can make my dream become reality.

There! Now I've said it, so it has to happen.

On a completely different note, my doc is speaking to our provincial government today to push for them to approve RTX for treating vasculitis and that way people who can't pay will have it covered. My doc is awesome and I love her. She so stands up for us.