Hi Folks,

Im not sure if it's already been discussed (I could not find it, but that doesn't mean it isn't there!) but my eyes have been loopy. I'm waiting to get in to see the eye specialist (yay, add that to the list) but I'm not sure what I should be doing. My family doc thinks its the pred. My eyes are watery at times, dry at others, sludgy at other times... But mostly just blurry. I feel like I can't open them wide enough or something. I'm trying not to rub at them but they're driving me bonkers. I can see, don't get me wrong... It's just something ain't right! Currently tapering the pred, on 60mg ... I didn't have this problem on the higher doses. Appearance wise they look fine, no redness or anything like when I was first diagnosed. Just weirdness. Anyone else have a similar problem?