Thanks Sangye, wow 6 years of feeling like this - ugggghhhhh!!!! If I could give you a big hug right now, it would be one of those awkward ones where you'd be thinking "OK, is she ever going to let go of me?"

I feel sleepy all the time, but I can't sleep because despite my body being a lump of junk, my mind is constantly going and wont let me sleep. I wake up tired. All the time. I took some morphine last night because not only does it get rid of the aches and pains, but also helps me have a sound sleep, but I only take that very occasionally as I don't want that to be my 'go to' drug for obvious reasons. I have enough crap in my body and am not interested in adding an addiction into the mix.

Like I said, my brain has been really quite good throughout with the odd blip but it usually passes very quickly and they are very few and far between. Yesterday I got whallopped by my brain. Mostly because I had in my mind that around 5mg when the adrenals start kicking in things might improve but then I read that a girl who's going through the same at 2.5mg. Then I did the math and got so bummed about how long I could potentially be feeling like this. I don't feel like I can function as a normal person, something I've been kinda feeling closer to in the past few months.

I'll see how I feel in the next few days and might go up a bit. It's just something I wasn't expecting to be this drastic. I knew that it would be tough, but I thought I'm tougher than it, but apparently I'm not as tough as I thought I was - ha ha. In fact I'm feeling quite whiny right now. Thanks for letting me wa wa on here and with your invaluable info. I'm gonna go look for a wa-mbulance... ha ha. Going out to get a blood test right now to make sure it has nothing to do with my liver. Will know tomorrow.

Thanks a ton.