Geez drz, reading your experience makes me realise that I got off pretty easy with my life-threatening autoimmune disorder (I refuse to name it because it’s a mean little shit which doesn’t deserve the honour of a name) Mine was diagnosed fairly early in because in Australia we have an excellent government run medical system, and access to really great specialists. We got it before major kidney and respiratory involvement As of today I’m on 5mg Panafcort, 2000mg mycophenolate, and am working and living pretty normally as long as I don’t forget PPE and disinfectant. It sounds like you were strapped to a tank and driven into Germany, and I’m glad you’re getting on top of it, it gives everyone hope.
I learned something a long time ago. Sometimes you get thrown into a situation which seems insurmountable. You can either cry and scream at the universe, or figure out the problem in front of you. Then you solve the next problem. If you solve enough problems, you get to go home.