I do not have a Dedicated Weg. specialist but I am managed on my Weg issues by my Rheumy who is very knowledgeable in the disease. He listens to me and we work together. My tracheal complications of the Wegener's is surgically managed by an ENT surgeon at Hershey who treats many Weg. patients. He and my Rheumy are in contact always and they know what is going on. I trust both of them immensely. At one point when some of the anti immune drugs were not having a desired effect my Rheum did get me in to see a Weg. specialist at Hopkins in Baltimore and he made a few suggestions which were followed and he felt my Rheumy was right on the money with my care. With me being a nurse I feel I can keep up to date and they all are comfortable with me asking questions and giving my opinions. I am happy with my care but I can tell from reading other's posts I am in a way better physical shape as far as the Weggie's goes than many. Linda