Originally Posted by Lightwarrior
I have learned to be grateful, that help and compassion are all around me.
I have learned to slow down (okay, that may be a bit of a lie) lets say I am learning to slow down.
I have learned that most people will be kind and compassionate if you give them the opportunity to be that way.
I have learned that some people just aren't kind and compassionate and it is what is and I don't need to "fix" them.
I have learned that when I think my friends and kids don't "get it" it is usually my own pity party and when I let them back in they do "get it".
I have learned that the universe gives me what I need and I should not worry about the future so much.
I have learned that death is not scary, just part of the journey.
I have learned that I value the people in this group way more than I could have imagined.

Quote Originally Posted by drz View Post
I miss her wisdom and compassion. It is nice and reassuring to read her second to last line. Her journey is now complete!
What wisdom Lightwarrior showed in her post. Amazing and impressive!