Anyone interested in a T-shirt?

I'm thinking of getting some T-shirts made up to advertise the forums. They would be available for a nominal fee of I know not what yet but it would go towards costs only.

What I need from you is:

1. Would you be interested? This is not a commitment to buy, that comes later when you know how much
2. Slogans, I need slogans!! Reply here with some ideas and I'll pick one or two. The T-shirts will have a slogan and the website address on the front, or slogan on the front and website address on the back, not sure yet. The website address will be which diverts to this site (or at least will soon). I reckon it'll be easier for people to remember than (and easier to fit on a shirt!)

I thought this would be great if anyone is going to a presentation, symposium, conference whatever or just going to the shop to get milk.

Some slogans I thought of:

  • I Weg therefore I am
  • Zero - pred rage in 2.3 seconds
  • Prednisone-enhanced chassis

What do you think?