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View Full Version : blood work question

06-16-2010, 06:34 AM
My son is at dr. today. They took blood work this morning. His results came back saying that his creatinine was lower by 0.2 points from 2 weeks ago. Now at a 1.6, so that is good, but his white blood cell count is up from a 7 to a 14?? Dr.s haven't gotten back to us yet. Does anyone know what that means?

06-16-2010, 08:48 AM
Does he look like he's fighting off a bug? A virus or bacterial infection can cause WBCs to spike. Pred can cause them to go high, too, but I have no idea if they would cause that much of an increase.

06-16-2010, 02:47 PM
hi Sangye,

You are exactly right. The pred. caused his WBC to spike, but they said it is supposed to so when they gave him the cytoxan today, it will start to go down. They did however give him a BP med. Is that common??? I am concerned about that. Any side affects to that one??

06-16-2010, 04:45 PM
hi talentx 7
i take cytoxan and preds also BP meds without any side effects
hope he gets on ok DEEx