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View Full Version : Low sodium diet???

06-04-2010, 08:34 AM
Is anyone else on a low sodium diet? If so WHAT do you eat!! My son is having such a hard time with this. It is becoming really bad now that is appitite is SOOOO big. HELP PLEASE!

06-04-2010, 09:08 AM
Craving salt is associated with weakened adrenals, which occurs as a result of the pred. A little salt is good and necessary-- especially Celtic sea salt (look in the health food store)-- but the amounts most Americans eat is terrible. And the amount someone on pred WANTS to eat is really terrible.

I've put myself on a low sodium diet. The worst foods are processed foods--very high sodium content. I can tell it's working because last weekend I took a bit of a couple of Cheez-its and couldn't believe how salty they tasted. I could barely eat them. The more you prepare real food with real ingredients, the easier it is to eat low sodium. It's better for everyone in the family to eat that way.

Try Googling low sodium for children-- I bet you'll get tons of suggestions.

06-04-2010, 01:21 PM
At the grocery store they have tons of low salt, no salt food. But of course eating all natural non prepared foods are better for your son. I was on a low salt diet in my late teens and early twenties...it was hard to eat like that. I lived on no salt, low salt products back then...
What is your son's favorite food?

06-05-2010, 12:01 AM
I agree with Sangye -- if you cut out much of the processed stuff, you'll be able to greatly reduce salt content. The kids and I even baked crackers this weekend -- using up left over homemade pizza dough -- and they were better than cheez-its, just sprinkled with a little sea salt.